# Nuxt

Nop has a first-party support for Nuxt.js (Vue) and Vue router.
Currently only Nuxt 2.x is supported.

# Installation

npm install --save-dev @nop-app/nuxt-nop@^2


yarn add --dev @nop-app/nuxt-nop@^2


If you are using Nuxt < v2.9, you have to install the module as dependency (without --dev or --save-dev)

# Usage


You can see a working demo repository on GitHub (opens new window).

Add @nop-app/nuxt-nop to the buildModules section of your nuxt.config.js.

  buildModules: [


If you are using Nuxt < v2.9, you have to add it to modules section instead of buildModules.

Then, always in the nuxt.config.js file, add your settings for Nop:

export default {
  // ... Other stuff
  nop: {
    enabledRoutes: [
      // Your routes here
    settings: {
      token: 'TOKEN_HERE',
      // ... Other settings

If you want, you can take advantage of the publicRuntimeConfig too to have dynamic environment variables available in production.

export default {
  // ... Other stuff
  publicRuntimeConfig: {
    nop: {
      enabledRoutes: [
        // Your routes here
      settings: {
        token: 'TOKEN_HERE',
        // ... Other settings

Note that the plugin will inject a $nop variable inside your Nuxt instance, therefore your can access it anytime with app.$nop.

# Settings

Please refer to Vue settings to know more.

# Methods

Please refer to Vue methods to know more.